AIG Administrator is recognized as Exemplary Panamanian 2021

The pandemic accelerated the country's digital transformation and has allowed it to have platforms for a better logistical organization in the vaccination process and testing for Covid-19, as well as the issuance of safe conducts to transit.

The National Commission for Civic and Morales Values ??recognized as the second PANAMANIAN EXEMPLARY 2021, Engineer Luis Ricardo Oliva Ramos, administrator of the National Authority for Government Innovation (AIG), because during the Covid-19 pandemic, this institution The government has provided Panamanians and residents of Panama an expedited vaccination process thanks to technological management.

The AIG has opted for technology by innovating in the creation of various tools in order to achieve a fluid and constant immunization process at the national level, during the development of the application phases of the Covid-19 vaccine.

Eng. Luis Oliva recognized the work of his work team by highlighting that it has been possible for the population to have access to new services such as telemedicine, virtual education, digital benefits payment system such as Vale Digital, an action that has been avoided agglomerations and that people have to address the different entities.

Panama has recently been highlighted among 100,000 organizations in the 2021 Esri Global Users Conference, with the “Special Achievement in GIS (SAG) Award”, for addressing the workflows and complex processes in the Global Emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic, thanks to teamwork by the National Authority for Government Innovation and the Ministry of Health.

This award is given to user implementations around the world and seeks to recognize outstanding work with recognized Geographic information systems technology such as GIS.

The proper use of technology and modernization for the good of the country and its citizens, has allowed Panama to exceed one million Panamanians vaccinated with two doses from the pharmaceutical houses Pfizer / BioNtech and AstraZeneca.

The National Commission for Civic and Moral Values ??that groups together the different civic clubs such as Rotario, Kiwanis, Active 20-30, Junior Chamber, Lions and Soroptimists, organizes the EXEMPLARY PANAMANIAN recognition 2021, being the first Panamanian to receive it Dr. Juan Miguel Pascale, Director of the Gorgas Memorial Institute.

9/9/2021 9:30:14 PM