Interinstitutional Council for Basic Certification in Medicine, annuls resolution 01 of March 3, 202

Interinstitutional Council for Basic Certification in Medicine, annuls resolution 01 of March 3, 202

Panama, March 13, 2021. The Inter-Institutional Council for Basic Certification in Medicine, approved on Friday 12, Resolution No. 03 of March 12, 2021, which renders Resolution No. 01 of March 3, 2021 without effect, which It made the certification process of medical graduates more flexible as a requirement to enter the internship.


After evaluating all the arguments of the members of the Inter-Institutional Council, the decision was made to keep Resolution No. 03 of June 12, 2020 in force, which establishes the minimum score of 405 or 41.5% as a requirement to enter the boarding school.


The President of the Republic Laurentino Cortizo Cohen, in a tweet published last Monday, the 8th, made clear the position of the executive body in this regard: "The basic certification exam in medicine must be of the highest qualification, as was always established, any other measure It is a setback. The medical schools have had, have and will have my full support. "


The first article of this Resolution nullifies the measure that temporarily established a new minimum passing score from the basic certification exam in medicine in 360, which corresponds to the equalized percentage of 34.5%, since March 2021 , and until the declaration of a State of National Emergency subsists.


However, in the considerations of Resolution 03 of March 12, 2021, it is explained that MINSA in its capacity as guarantor of the health of the population and governing body of health policies, support and watchdog of the certification process and recertification, requested the Inter-Institutional Council to evaluate the possibility of nullifying the resolution of the aforementioned Resolution of March 3, 2021.

3/15/2021 5:09:31 PM