INADEH courses advance in the Ngäbe-Buglé region

INADEH courses advance in the Ngäbe-Buglé region

The National Institute of Professional Training and Training for Human Development (INADEH) and its strategic plan for comprehensive transformation at the national level has led to redoubled efforts in training in the most vulnerable and hard-to-reach areas through the modality of mobile and mobile actions. In this way, implement a public policy that promotes social development in all parts of the country through the Colmena Plan.

This year we already have more than 175 courses taught within the Ngäbe Buglé region, impacting more than 3,000 people, including 57% women and 42% men with training in the areas of agriculture, dressmaking, bakery, languages, welding, electricity, IT , entrepreneurship and gastronomy.

Reaching communities such as Kusapin, Kankintun, Pilón, Muna, Besiko, Mirono, Ñurum, Mironó among others.

This weekend in the village of Nole Duima in the community of Oma, 70 participants who took construction, welding, entrepreneurship and handicraft courses received their INADEH certificates. The event was held at the Petita Santo school with the participation of the Director General of INADEH, Virgilio Sousa Valdés, and the presence of authorities from the area and the director of the regional INADEH.

Sousa Valdés announced that it will soon have an INADEH headquarters within the Ngäbe Buglé region for the benefit of its residents.

8/20/2021 1:01:05 PM