Education, prevention and promotion to win the battle against COVID-19

Education, prevention and promotion to win the battle against COVID-19

Since January 2020, the National Directorate for the Promotion of the Ministry of Health (MINSA) has developed various strategies, actions, and interventions during the pandemic, with the aim of preventing, educating, and containing the spread of COVID-19 in the country.

Among the actions implemented by the Health Promotion Directorate, as the first pillar of the Traceability Strategy of the COVID-19 plan, are the massive, operational flyers, delivery of masks, face shields and alcoholic gel, taking as a scenario strategic points such as Central Avenue (Pedestrian), metro stations of the city, paid areas of the Metrobus, shopping centers, bus stops and supermarkets among others.

To date, MINSA, through the Health Promotion Directorate, has delivered 450,000 cloth masks, 1,105,600 disposable masks, as well as 110,809 alcoholic gel.

Also 1,106,00 face screens and 773,495 sheets with informative material have also been delivered. These actions have been developed at the national level in the 15 MINSA regions, through the regional Health Promotion teams.

The amount of population in each health region of the country, as well as the behavior of the cases reported during the pandemic, has been used as distribution criteria.

2/15/2021 5:07:37 PM