Cabinet approves extending the period for 10 additional days for aspiring magistrates and substitutes of the Court

Cabinet approves extending the period for 10 additional days for aspiring magistrates and substitutes of the Court

The Cabinet Council, in its session this Wednesday, approved to extend for 10 additional days the period for the Special Evaluation Commission to receive the documentation of the applicants to occupy the positions of two main magistrates of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) and their alternates.

The resolution endorsed by the Cabinet modifies article 6 of Resolution No.60 of May 19, 2021 in order to extend, for 10 more days, that is, until June 24, the period to receive the documentation of the candidates for the positions of two main and alternate magistrates in the CSJ.

The modification is carried out in coordination with the Office of the Public Prosecutor - chaired by the Special Evaluation Commission - to extend the period for submitting documents by applicants for the aforementioned positions, whose term expired on June 14, but with the new provision is extended for an additional 10 days.

Last June 1 was promulgated in the Official Gazette the call made by the Executive to appoint two main magistrates and their alternates in the First Civil Chamber and in the Third Administrative and Labor Chamber, whose terms expire on 31 December 2021.

The Cabinet also approved an extraordinary additional credit to the Ministry of Health (Minsa) up to the amount of B / .10,578,553.00. The transfer seeks to incorporate to the Minsa resources for prevention and response to the emergency due to Covid-19, cleaning and sanitation of hospital areas, acquisition of sterilization equipment, acquisition of PCR laboratory tests and rapid tests, swab booths and ambulance rental.

6/11/2021 6:08:33 PM