Government allocates more than B / .111 million in payment of scholarships and Pass-u

Government allocates more than B / .111 million in payment of scholarships and Pass-u

The Institute for the Training and Use of Human Resources, Ifarhu, will disburse, starting this Monday, August 9, B / .111,676,920 during the second payment of scholarships and the PASE-U Universal Educational Social Assistance Program, to more than 832 one thousand elementary, high school and middle school students.

B / .89,641,350 have been allocated to the PASE-U that will benefit 813 thousand students and for the competition scholarships, distinguished position, eradication of child labor, disability, art, culture and sports, B / .22,035,570 have been allocated during this process of payment.

The payment of the PASE-U will begin with the students who charge through the Social Code Cards and through the Youth Certificate, while the students who receive their benefit through checks will do so from Tuesday, August 10, 2021.

For students who receive the PASE-U and the various Ifarhu scholarship programs, through checks, the payment schedule has been established through the website, where the day is established, place and payment center of your benefit.

With the PASE-U, elementary students receive a disbursement of B /. 90.00 per trimester, while pre-secondary students receive B /. 120.00 and those on average receive B /. 150.00.

The disbursement of the PASE-U, through the youth card can be used by the parent or legal representative of the student, in more than 300 affiliated businesses throughout the country, for the purchase of food, medicines and technological equipment that help the student in their teaching-learning process.

8/20/2021 1:06:50 PM