National Government installs the National Operation Center Schools 2021

National Government installs the National Operation Center Schools 2021

The President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo Cohen, installed today the National Operation Center Schools 2021 (WITH SCHOOLS) with an inter-institutional participation that seeks - in an approximate period of three months - that more schools are in optimal conditions for a progressive return and reliable to blended classes.


The session, held at the headquarters of the National Operations Center (CON), was attended by the vice president and minister of the Presidency, José Gabriel Carrizo, ministers of State, directors of entities and governors of provinces.


President Cortizo Cohen urged the entities that make up CON ESCUELAS to work as a team, in an organized manner and in permanent consultation with local governments to monitor projects and programs.


He explained that WITH SCHOOLS must function in the same way as the Security NOC, installed for the emergency of hurricanes Eta and Iota, and the Health NOC, which was installed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.


He indicated that he will meet once a week to evaluate the progress of CON ESCUELAS execution and stressed that this entity will permanently have a representative of the Public Procurement Directorate for the transparent management of the bidding processes.


WITH SCHOOLS will be headed by the President and Vice President of the Republic. As operational institutions will be the Ministry of the Presidency and Meduca. Also participating are: Ministry of Housing and Territorial Planning (Miviot), Public Works (MOP), Labor and Labor Development (Mitradel), Economy and Finance (MEF), Public Security, entities such as the National Aqueducts and Sewers Institute (Idaan), National Institute of Professional Training and Training for Human Development (Inadeh), Decentralization, governments, technical boards, among others.

4/4/2021 3:55:37 PM