Promote public-private alliance for the development of strategies for the benefit of education

Promote public-private alliance for the development of strategies for the benefit of education

The Ministry of Education (MEDUCA), initiated a cooperation alliance with international and national organizations, civil society, the private sector, development banks, civic clubs and citizen movements to implement the implementation of a work plan whose objective is to the gradual and safe return to classes.

Among the actors that participate in the development of this public-private alliance in favor of the safe return to school are: Allies for Children and Adolescents, ANRHE, APEDE, BID, CAF, Chamber of Commerce, CAPADESO, CAPATEC, National Pro Commission -Valores Cívicos y Morales, United Fund of Panama - United Way Panama, CONEP, COSPAE, La Gran Alianza Educativa, MAPEP, Movimiento # TodoPanamá, United Nations System in Panama through the World Bank, FAO, UNDP, UNESCO, UNICEF , as well as ODENA, OEI, Pediatric Society,

The allies, in conjunction with MEDUCA, have organized into three working groups to achieve the following objectives:

Monitoring and implementation of biosafety protocols.
Teacher training for learning recovery strategies.
Adequacy of infrastructure and provision of inputs in Educational Centers.
Management of a communication, awareness and orientation plan for the population regarding the reopening.
The objective of this alliance is to reiterate to the educational community and to the country in general, the commitment that we have so that our educational centers are suitable for a safe reopening that allows the progressive return to the classrooms.

6/8/2021 10:09:37 PM