The importance of mental health during the pandemic

The importance of mental health during the pandemic

The pandemic caused by COVID-19 has had an impact on mental health in the population worldwide and in that sense, psychology professionals from different health facilities in the country have strengthened actions to guide emotionally affected people said Delia De Ycaza, National Coordinator of Mental Health of the Ministry of Health.

De Ycaza said that among the actions that have been implemented to protect the mental health of the population is care through the psychological care line 169 option 2 that has been in operation since April 2020, where a specialist provides support. He highlighted that more than 5,000 people have received care through this psychological counseling line.

As a result of the epidemiological emergency, one of the main challenges has been to undertake a mental health response plan in the face of the pandemic; however, work is being done with inter-institutional support to consolidate the objectives of protecting the psychosocial component, said the specialist.

"There are many risks, consequences and consequences that the deadly virus has on the general population, from children to the elderly, where the personnel who have worked in the front line of battle can be highlighted," said the psychologist.

He said that restrictive measures such as social distancing and all the changes in the daily routine have emotionally affected people, which in many cases have reactivated disorders that they had already suffered.

The specialist made it clear that people should know how to ask for the help of a health professional, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, etc. to guide you to get ahead.

Finally, De Ycaza, reiterated monitoring and taking care of mental health since it has been shown during the pandemic that it is as important as physical health.

He indicated that attention continues on line 169 and psychology professionals continue with orientation in primary care, health centers and hospitals.

According to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the fear of contracting the virus in a pandemic such as COVID-19, adds the impact of the important changes in our daily lives caused by efforts to contain and stop the spread of the virus.

6/23/2021 7:28:48 PM