Friendly clinics are free

Friendly clinics are free

Friendly clinics are spaces free of stigma and discrimination for key populations that require comprehensive care, explained Lorna Jenkins, physician; In this sense, care is provided to men who have sex with men, trans girls and sex workers with laboratory, vaccination, treatment, HIV tests, counseling and psychology, providing patients with a quality of life.

"We recognize the vulnerability of these populations to an increased risk of acquiring HIV," Jenkins said.

In the Metropolitan Health Region, care is provided in friendly clinics located in the health centers of El Chorrillo and Santa Ana, for which it is spontaneous and all care is free.

In statistical data of care in these clinics during 2020, 790 were given and so far in 2021, 500 care have been provided.

The friendly clinics are within the health centers, but the personnel and supplies are paid for by the University of Guatemala, through a collaborative program.

6/28/2021 4:13:57 PM