Law for the protection of infants and young people will define responsibilities and roles of institutions

Law for the protection of infants and young people will define responsibilities and roles of institutions

Once Panama has a framework law that creates a Comprehensive Protection System for children and adolescents, responsibilities and roles can be established within the different institutions, which will allow, through a true intersectoral articulation, the protection and restitution of rights. of this particular population.



This was announced by the Minister of Social Development, María Inés Castillo, during her participation in the Second Scientific Congress against Violence and Sexual Exploitation of Boys, Girls and Adolescents; and where he presented the main guidelines of bill 567, which was approved in the first debate in the National Assembly, and which defines the design to implement this protection system.



At the meeting - organized by the Observatory against Sexual Exploitation of Boys, Girls and Adolescents - Minister Castillo said that the line of action that is drawn up will ensure that this child and youth population has the right to direct and quality medical care, as well as periodic and efficient health checks, and vaccinations against diseases.



In the same way, it argued that this system will be applied without any exclusion or discrimination, under conditions of equality, to all children and adolescents who are in Panamanian territory and also to all Panamanians who are abroad.



Recognition of rights, the due universal, social, administrative and specialized judicial protections are the bases on which this comprehensive protection system that is promoted in Panama for children and young people will lay.



When the aforementioned system is approved, Minister Castillo said on the other hand, the main challenges that will have to be addressed is to create a Policy of Guarantees and Comprehensive Protection of the Rights of Children and Adolescents that generates the operation of the law, in addition to specific guidelines and strategies are established that must be developed through national and sectoral plans.

10/7/2021 3:01:26 PM