MINSA seeks to strengthen multilateral strategies

MINSA seeks to strengthen multilateral strategies

Seeking tasks to continue strengthening national and international strategies in order to reduce the consequences of the consequences of the pandemic in the health system, the X Strategic Triangle Meeting: Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe, Africa, was held virtually. In which the Vice Minister of Health, Ivette Berrío, participated and headed with government authorities from Portugal, Chile and Andorra, among other high-level speakers from both sides of the Atlantic.

Deputy Minister Berrío, who was accompanied by the director of MINSA's Office of International Affairs, Thays Noriega, thanked the organizers for the invitation that allows coordination and addressing global problems that require multilateral solutions such as poverty, inequality and climate change.

While Noriega, specified that an example of multilaterism is the COVAX initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO), which seeks equitable access to vaccines between poor and rich countries.

It should be reiterated that Panama is a member of the United Nations and maintains diplomatic, consular and commercial relations with numerous countries and in the face of this pandemic it is committed to multilaterism since it considers that the great challenges of the world cannot be overcome individually.

2/25/2021 10:40:47 PM