Minseg coordinates security and prevention projects with authorities of Panama Oeste

Minseg coordinates security and prevention projects with authorities of Panama Oeste

The Minister of Public Security (Minseg), Juan Manuel Pino and the director of the National Police (PN), John Dornheim, met with authorities from the province of Panama Oeste, with the intention of coordinating and developing preventive programs through the Plan Comprehensive Citizen Security (Pisc).

Minister Pino indicated that the meeting with the authorities of the province intends to coordinate with the mayors and representatives for the organization of a soccer tournament similar to the "Las Estrellas de Colón" Cup.

He stressed that these social projects such as sport are positive, vital and important to lead young people on the right path.

This activity is an initiative of the President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo Cohen and is scheduled to start at the end of October, in the five districts of the province.

The head of Public Security also reported that by the end of this month the Monitoring Center of the district of La Chorrera should be ready, where the Ministry will have surveillance with personnel from the National Aeronaval Service (Senan) and the PN.

On the other hand, he reported that in San Carlos construction work has already begun on a coastal station of the PN, in conjunction with the Senan and in support of units of the National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc).

This station will be located next to the beach and will be important for the safety of fishermen, the community and bathers.

Present at the meeting were the governor of the province, Sindy Smith, the mayors of Arraiján, Rolling Rodríguez, of La Chorrera, Tomás Velásquez, of Capira Jorge Ramos, Chame Abdul Juliao, and San Carlos, the deputy mayor Jorge Norga. Representatives of the Senan, PN, personnel from the Pisc del Minseg, Pandeportes and the Ministry of Culture were also present.

The Pisc seeks to strengthen peace and order with the aim of keeping young people away from violence and preserving peaceful coexistence

9/10/2021 5:26:19 PM