They offer vacancies for People with Disabilities through MITRADEL

They offer vacancies for People with Disabilities through MITRADEL

In order to promote the hiring of Persons with Disabilities in the private sector, a targeted recruitment was carried out for a convenience services company in which vacancies were offered in various areas.

The call made by the Ministry of Labor and Labor Development (MITRADEL), through the Department of Socio-Economic Integration of People with Disabilities, was attended by 15 applicants, of these, three women and 12 men from Panama, La Chorrera, Coronado , Colón and Santa Clara.

Vacancies were offered for cleaning, refrigerator suppliers, customer service, merchandise ushers and customer reception.

MITRADEL continues to promote labor inclusion as an effective contribution to the economic recovery of the country, in compliance with Law 15 of 2016 that establishes the equalization of opportunities for People with Disabilities.

9/7/2021 7:55:52 PM