Panama seeks to attract more European investment

Panama seeks to attract more European investment

In order to continue with the strategy to promote foreign investment, as well as exports, the Vice Minister of Foreign Trade, Juan Carlos Sosa, held an important meeting with regional representatives of the European Union (EU) on trade and trade matters. in which the national directors of Trade Agreements (DINATRADEC) and Trade Negotiations (DINECI) of the Ministry of Commerce and Industries (MICI) participated.


During the meeting, different issues on the trade agenda between the European Union (EU) and Panama were addressed, with emphasis on investments under the nearshoring scheme and the regime for manufacturing companies (EMMA).


At the meeting it was agreed to continue with periodic meetings to identify multipliers of the advantages that Panama offers as a Hub of Hubs in the EU, being the gateway to the region, and as one of the most stable economies.


It was also established to seek formulas that allow the European Union and investors to cooperate to make the Panamanian productive sector more competitive.


The European Union, as a trading bloc, is one of the country's main export destinations. Hence the interest of the government of President Laurentino Cortizo Cohen, to promote a competitive economy that generates employment.

8/24/2021 4:26:04 PM