Panama achieves publication of more than 2000 Open Government Data

On the portal, state entities can publish data on local governments, health, transportation and logistics, tourism, banking and finance, innovation and technology, public services, and social development. In 2020, more than 120 thousand users visited the Open Data portal from more than 140 countries. 617,154 visits to pages within the Open Data Portal occurred in 2020.

The National Authority for Government Innovation (AIG) reports that Panama has achieved the publication of more than 2000 Open Government Data, an initiative that was born from a project that aims to use Open Government Data to promote transparency, accountability and accountability. accounts and sustainable development in Panama.

Among the actions that have been implemented in the AIG to achieve this figure in one year, is the project developed in 2020 called: "Consultancy for Parameterization, Loading, Diffusion and Appropriation of Open Government Data for National Entities of Panama" , which created capacities in public servants in the management of information within their institutions, as well as the improvement in the organization to generate the institutional inventory of information.

For Dr. Luis Del Vasto of the AIG, reaching the publication figure of more than 2 thousand sets of public government data in the Open Data Portal of Panama, represents the effort that as a government is being made to make the management of institutions, improve the country's rating by international organizations that evaluate transparency based on open data (DA); as well as the increasing possibility of using the information published by entrepreneurs and innovators to create value-added products based on data.

3/16/2021 1:58:31 PM