Panama West maintains actions due to the increase in cases in the country

Panama West maintains actions due to the increase in cases in the country

The Health Region of Panama Oeste, in conjunction with the Directorate of Indigenous Health Affairs (DASI), in coordination with PAHO / WHO, conducted orientation and delivery of biosafety items in the indigenous areas of Loma Coba in Arraiján, capital and in the community of Las Yayas, Herrera district, La Chorrera district to leaders of the different indigenous groups residing in these areas; Among the supplies delivered are alcoholic gel, disposable masks, alcohol and face shields.

Elda Maure, from DASI, Paolo Rodríguez, district manager of Health in Arraiján, Janeth Gómez, head of Provision of Health Services and Dalys Aguilar of Health Promotion participated in this activity.

On the other hand, in the express swab located in the Rey de Vista Alegre supermarket, 50 people were oriented, 92 masks, 25 face shields were delivered, in addition 25 swabs were performed and during the community sweep in the La Arboleda residential area in the Los cluster. Olivos, 30 people were oriented, 30 masks and educational material were delivered.

The traceability work to reduce COVID-19 infections developed by the Health facilities in Panama continues, today they were transferred to communities such as: Altos de San Francisco Health Center, toured the communities of La Mitra, Peñas Blanca and La Valdeza, in the district of La Chorrera; The Nuevo Chorrillo Health Center carried out the traceability in the communities of Monte Claro, Flor del Cerro and Monte Vista in the district of Arraiján, where 40 people were oriented, there 20 kits with medicines, masks and educational material were delivered.

Given the increase in cases of COVID-19, actions are maintained, the population is asked for greater social responsibility and not to lower their guard with biosecurity measures

6/18/2021 2:17:59 PM