Paredes signs an agreement with the municipal councils of Boquete and Dolega for housing improvement

Paredes signs an agreement with the municipal councils of Boquete and Dolega for housing improvement

Fourteen Community Boards of the districts of Boquete and Dolega, in the province of Chiriquí, will be able to help vulnerable families in communities with poverty and extreme poverty, supported by a community plan for housing improvement, directed by the Ministry of Housing and Planning. Territorial (Miviot).

In this social strategy, where there is supervision and audits, the families of the eight townships of Dolega benefit: Dolega Cabecera, Dos Ríos, Los Anastacios, Potrerillos, Potrerillos Abajo, Rovira, Tinajas and Los Algarrobos; and the six townships of Boquete: Bajo Boquete, Caldera, Palmira, Alto Boquete, Jaramillo and Los Naranjos.

Precisely, Minister Rogelio Paredes signed on Tuesday an inter-institutional agreement with the Communal Boards of both districts, separately, where the entity will provide the construction materials and the local governments the labor.

Before the authorities of the two districts, Paredes assured that this signature seeks to join efforts in a coordinated manner so that the agreement works, but with transparency and with the necessary controls so that the aid reaches the greatest number of families living in poverty and extreme poverty. that require a safe place to live.

"We are decentralizing to work as a team, doing more with less, reaching vulnerable families in the communities," he said.

He added that these agreements will be formalized with all local authorities at the national level, that consider it and are submitted to the guidelines and audits, in addition there is transparency in the assignments of materials through signed minutes of receipt in accordance.

10/8/2021 4:38:08 PM