PEPFAR will allocate $ 8.5 million to strengthen actions against HIV / AIDS in Panama

PEPFAR will allocate $ 8.5 million to strengthen actions against HIV / AIDS in Panama

The Office of the Global Coordinator of HIV / AIDS and Health Diplomacy of the United States (S / GAC) will allocate $ 8.5 million dollars to the Ministry of Health (Minsa), through the PEPFAR Organization, to combat HIV / AIDS in Panama .

This is a presidential initiative for the relief of AIDS, directed by the Presidency of the United States and coordinated by the global AIDS office (PEPFAR), said Dr. Lucrecia Castillo, Regional Coordinator of the HIV / AIDS Program of the Health offices and USAID Education for Central America.

"Given the circumstance and the very dynamic epidemic that exists in Panama, PERFAR has decided to support the country with $ 8.5 million, destined to strengthen the health system, human resources, information system and supply chain mainly", indicated Castillo.

Ivette Berrío, Vice Minister of Health, stated that the Ministry of Health, in coordination with the Embassy of the United States in Panama, are joining forces in the fight against HIV / AIDS. The vice minister indicated that as a country there are important figures in terms of infected people and we need to reactivate all the mechanisms on the subject, which is very sensitive.

"This meeting deals with cooperation, teamwork and the follow-up that we must give to the ministry's programs against the HIV / AIDS epidemic," Berrío said.

For his part, Thays Noriega, director of International Affairs and Technical Cooperation of the Minsa, said that it is a program that the ministry has been developing for many years, the economic and technical resources strengthen this capacity of the ministry in responding to patients of HIV / AIDS.

9/13/2021 2:44:58 PM