Continuous vaccination process according to the schedule

Continuous vaccination process according to the schedule

"The vaccine is one more tool within the entire prevention strategy", mentioned dr. Israel Cedeño Metropolitan Regional Director of Health when asked about the results of the vaccination against COVID-19 that is carried out throughout the country. Cedeño stressed that the most worrying thing is what the population thinks about this, they should not lower their guard, although they receive the vaccine, they should continue to use the mask, practice distancing, frequent hand washing and abide by the instructions of the Ministry of Health ( MINSA). The Metropolitan Health Region continued the vaccination day by applying the first dose to those included in phase 1A and last Thursday 18 was vaccinated in the assigned nursing homes. "We are going to continue vaccinating, it has already been announced that another batch of vaccines is coming this week and we are going to continue with the phases that continue." In phase 2, the population over 60 years of age, the Public Force, the Joint Task Force (FTC), and people aged 16 to 60 with disabilities are included. According to the regional report of the Expanded Program on Immunizations (PAI), so far a total of 1,778 doses of the vaccine against COVID-19 have been applied.

2/22/2021 1:51:29 PM