Construction of COE facilities in Panama Oeste reactivated

Construction of COE facilities in Panama Oeste reactivated

The crews of the Ministry of Housing and Territorial Planning (Miviot) of the province of Panamá Oeste reactivated the construction work of the offices of the Emergency Operations Center (COE), located on the Arraiján-La Chorrera Highway, in the township of Puerto Caimito, district of La Chorrera.

Glenn Rivera, provincial director of the entity, said that the responsibility of the ministry is the construction of the physical part with RBS materials that was used for the lifting of the walls and zinc roof, apart from them the workers began the electrical installations.

He added that the purpose of the center is to have a space for meetings of the Technical Board or when there is a contingency such as those that occurred with the passage of hurricanes in November of last year and at this time with the vaccination program it will be used for the Logistics.

Currently, workers are progressing in the installation of pipes throughout the connection route of the outlets and inlets of the electrical panel of the facilities and the tasks are expected to be completed in one day.

In the COE will be located the National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc), the 911 Emergency System and the Operations Center for Community Control and Traceability against Covid-19 (Cocytc) in the West area.

7/16/2021 1:51:29 PM