They recommend face shields for closed environments

They recommend face shields for closed environments

Health authorities throughout the country are recommending the use of face shields because studies have shown that they are very effective in reducing infections in closed environments, public transport and where there are crowds.

With the arrival of summer, the weather becomes hotter and more uncomfortable to wear this double protection, which can be suffocating, so health experts recommend that trips from home be planned and brief in order to avoid heat stroke or suffocation. in some cases.

Proper use of face shields

You should first wash your hands before handling biosafety equipment.

Before putting on the face shield, check that it is in good condition.


When putting on your personal protective equipment, start with the mask and then the face shield before leaving the house and do not remove them until you return home.


Make sure the face shield frame is comfortable and loose to avoid constant manipulation.

At the end of the day it is recommended to wash it with soap and water, especially if it has been exposed to agglomerations during your journey.

Miss Panama for Miss World Krysthelle Barreto and representative of the MA-PA campaign indicated that the use of these biosafety tools in closed areas and public transport is important.

"Personal care is really in our hands, take all the small actions like this, because when we take care of ourselves, we are taking care of others," Barreto said.

The Metropolitan Health Region reiterates to the population that face shields are not mandatory, but it is recommended to increase individual protection against COVID-19.

2/3/2021 4:20:13 PM